Automatically Registering Stripe Customers In Ruby On Rails
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Before we accept payments or subscriptions in Stripe we need register our users as customers in the stripe API. For this tutorial I’m already assuming that you have a user model and already have Stripe setup within your project.
Every time we create a user we’re going to create a corresponding Stripe Customer object and save the customer id to our user model. First lets add a stripe_id to our user model:
rails g migration AddStripeIdToUsers stripe_id:string
rails db:migrate
Next we’re going to create a method that makes a call to the Stripe API to create an instance of Customer. Once we get our response back we’ll update our stripe_id field.
def create_stripe_customer
customer = Stripe::Customer.create({
email: })
update_attribute :stripe_id, customer['id']end
To run this method every time we create a new User we can use the after_create callback like this:
after_create :create_stripe_customer
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