The NFL Needs More White Corner Backs
Yesterday I glanced at the TV and saw that the political melodrama of America’s nonexistent race war has permeated sports entertainment. A segment on ESPN was accusing the NFL of being a “systematically racist” institution. The evidence for these accusations were “lack of diversity” in front office and head coaching positions. Is it reasonable to suggest that an athletic organization dominated by African Americans who are making millions of dollars is an instrument of “oppression” and “white supremacy” ?
The contemporary public discourse on Americas race relations is due almost entirely to the illusory truth effect. When something is repeated often enough other people assume it to be true based solely on the number of people holding said position.
For example, it is reported as an axiom (self evidently true) that disparities in outcome between groups are caused by discrimination against the group(s) with less favorable metrics. Such claims have been reported by the media, taught in schools and discussed by politicians as casual explanations for disparities in income, crime rate, educational achievement, and now employment rate of NFL head coaches. It is time to reexamine wether the claim that “disparities are caused by discrimination” are logically consistent and factual.
Every individual is irreplaceable and irreproducible, they each have their own entirely unique set of characteristics, behaviors, beliefs and etc. For better or for worse all of these factors will effect the outcome of the individual. In short order because every individual is unique, individuals will have unique outcomes.
In no way shape or form do any two individuals have exactly the same life story. Identical twins living in the same household will have different outcomes. Even if these outcomes only differ by slight degrees it demonstrates that both the combination of genetic and nearly environmental equality fail to produce equality of outcome.
Different groups, wether composed of random selections of the population or divided up based on a given characteristic such as ethnic background, hair color, eye color, religious affiliation, finger nail length, sexual orientation or biological sex, will be composed of unique and vastly different sets of individuals.
Therefore, because groups are composed of different people, who are guaranteed to have unique outcomes on any metric, we can deduce that inequality of outcome between groups will be the norm. It is illogical to assume that different groups of people would display equality of outcome because between individual people equality of outcome is non-existent.
History confirms my deductive reasoning. Various ethnic groups across multiple cultures in different time periods existing within societies without any form of discrimination have shown wide variations in outcomes on nearly every metric imaginable from IQ scores to criminal offense rates. Any reader who wants to learn more about these phenomena should read Thomas Sowell’s Intellectuals and Society.
Throughout history inequality of outcome has been the norm. It should also be noted that minority groups who have been discriminated against have gone on to outperform majority groups despite facing widespread discrimination. Oppression against a given group does not axiomatically determine a unfavorable outcomes for the individuals composing said group.
Supposed “intellectuals”, “investigative journalist”, “activist”, and political “leaders”, despite holding advanced degrees and forms of accreditation, have (conveniently) failed to logically and historically confirm the claims “disparities equals discrimination”. Such rhetoric is only based in the illusory truth effect which is essentially induction of opinions.
Essentially we’re all just playing telephone with false facts and broken logic. With social and mainstream media the number of people who fall victim to the illusory truth effect has increased exponentially. Many people know better but are not courageous enough to fight back against the bad ideas because they will be cancelled, mislabeled, fired or harassed by zealous and brainwashed idiots. As I have written before it is only a matter of time before bad (false) ideas get you killed and your society destroyed.
Disparities in group outcomes are selectively applied by the media, the intelligentsia (the college professor who’s class you were forced to pay ten thousand dollars for) and politicians in order to inflame the public discourse so as to serve their own agendas.
In the last 20 years there has only been one white NFL corner back, less than the number of black head coaches. Yet there has been exactly 0 discussion , media coverage, debate or activism on the lack of racial diversity at the cornerback position. I consider myself a victim of the racial discrimination by NFL head coaches in the drafting of cornerbacks. Could the lack of representation of white players at the linebacker, safety, receivers and cornerback positions be due black privilege and anti-white prejudice by the coaches for those positions?
The point I’m trying to get at is that skill position players should pay white people reparations because they didn’t actually earn those positions, they were only put their because of black privilege. Aside from reparations I also think there should be affirmative action for white NFL skill positions players. There should also be a cap on the number of black skilled players in the pro bowl, that way we can have racial equality. Oh by the way we don’t want any white kids sitting at home thinking they can’t play corner because they are white or else they’ll end committing crimes. We can’t afford to create more victims of the system.
If you substitute black privilege with white privilege and the positions with regular run of the mill jobs you have your local “intellectual yet idiot”, IYI, opinions on race relations. I’m not so sure the white players selected at the corner back position for purposes of affirmative action wouldn’t be getting burned on fades every play.
There are less Chinese, Jewish, Russian, Egyptian, Arab, Brazilian, Japanese and martian head coaches then black coaches in the NFL. There are even less representation of these ethnicities as players in the league. Yet there have been no headlines accusing the NFL of systemic anti insert ethnic group name here discrimination. Why?