“You Don’t Get It Because Your White” Is Racist
In America there is a certain set of opinions that the totalitarian left expect everybody not have. Phrases like “You are privileged” or “You don’t get it because you are white” are used to argue without actually addressing the merits of a given conjecture. Rather than carefully considering what someone else is saying these people dismiss and discredit opposing arguments.
These arguments are nothing short of being racist. For one they assume broad generalized claims that certain groups of people do not have an intellectual capacity to understand reality solely because they belong to a certain group. Although these tactics are frequently used by people who identify as “anti-racist” etc. they are establishing a hierarchy of intellectual capacity and authority based solely on race. These same principles also extend and interweave such epistemological hierarchies the domain of sex.
If I were to disagree with a women on the importance of male role models for children and subsequently dismissed (and in my hypothetical mind refuted) by claiming that she just doesn’t “get it” because she is a woman and then I generalize this belief to any and all woman I would be immediately “cancelled” and deemed a “sexist”. Likewise if I were to be talking to a black person about the role of the police force in protecting innocent black people from gang related crimes and dismiss any points they make by saying that “ You just don’t get it because you’re black” I would, right fully so, be tabled a racist.
A persons race or sex does not determine how much they understand a given topic, ironically the people who claim to be fighting the racist, and sexist don’t realize that they are themselves actually racist and sexist in both the hierarchal and prejudicial sense of the word. Many people hold these opinions and spread them by repeating what they hear from friends and their would-be-unemployed-without-government-subsidizes-and-colleges-forcing-you-to-take-their-Bull-Shit-class liberal arts professor.
Everyone is “too busy” to think about what they actually believe in. Millennial political beliefs are nothing but hot air, social trinkets without skin in the game solely there for the purpose of trying to impress other people. It is intrinsic in human nature to reach for higher things, collective political is the lazy and unintelligent persons way of trying to achieve a higher purpose.
Rather then pursuing and creating on their own they become parrots for the opinions of other people. It is a lot easier to post a black screen on instagram or “protest” it is to go to the library for 5 hours every day and get some actual work done. Showing status is a sign of low status and virtue signaling is a signal for depraved morality, insecurity and overall existential crisis for the individual.
If you walk around acting good and claim to be looking out for other people with socialist policies you’re probably a condescending control freak playing hero in order to get the attention of your peers, feel important and assert dominance in the zero sum social game you think everyone plays.
Next time check your facts you’re probably wrong. It could be that the “cis-gendered” straight white male actually has a different opinion because they actually did the dirty work of actually doing research instead of being a conformist sheep who holds opinions solely to seek peer approval and avoid their own creative impulse. Rather than getting nerd neck and burning out your dopamine receptors by spending 20 hours a day on your phone sit their with a notebook and actually think about what you believe.